The GKC Blog2023-10-24T16:08:48+01:00

Latest News and Articles

Rob Gleeson patient’s new lease of life

I feel like a new woman after several years of enforced inactivity , Mr Gleeson took a chance on a 59 year old fat housewife and now I have my life back. I have lost 30lb in weight and now [...]

ACL Risk Calculator

The GKC uses the latest techniques for ACL surgery. We use available clinical tools such as the Multi-centre Orthopaedic Outcomes Network (MOON) calculator to help assess your risk and predict your chance of re injury to your [...]

The Knee Replacement: A Personal Story

The nagging ache becomes worse, having started subtly as a twinge, until even friends comment that it affecting everyone’s quality of life “I’m afraid that x-ray rather flattered your knee” he said after examining me. “You are [...]

Skiing 1 Year after Total Knee Replacement

1 year following my total right knee replacement - Many thanks to you and your fantastic team, without you all I would not have been able to enjoy a recent skiing holiday. I don't think I have ever skied without [...]

Sports Knee 2019 Conference at St George’s Park

This week Peter Kempshall attended the Tim Spalding Fellows alumni at the FA’s prestigious St George’s Park training facility. This was part of the Sports Knee 2019 conference where sports knee surgeons share and discuss the latest evidence and surgical [...]

GKC Surgeon makes history

Last week at the Winfield Hospital, Gloucester – Peter Kempshall from Gloucestershire Knee Clinic – performed the first computer planned patient specific osteotomy in the South West of England using Joint Operations technology #savethejoint

GKC goes international

Mr Gleeson and Mr Barksfield opened their continuing professional development account for 2019 with a trip to work with Prof Argenson at the Hospital Sainte Marguerite in Marseille. This is a University Hospital performing over 1300 joint replacements per year. [...]

Partial knee replacement in the morning, home for dinner

Is it really possible to have a partial knee replacement in the morning and get home the same day? Authors: Mr Peter Kempshall, Consultant Knee Surgeon, and Dr Leon Visser, Consultant Anaesthetist Playing tennis, badminton and dancing well into retirement [...]

Latest Tweets

HTO delays progression to Arthroplasty by a decade. The most suitable candidates are age <55, not obese, and have not progressed to severe symptomatic disability. In these patients HTO survival was 100%, 91% and 62% at 5, 10 and 20 years

ACL tears cause significant functional deficits in patients over 50 who fail conservative treatment, and surgical reconstruction can yield excellent results.

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