The GKC Blog2023-10-24T16:08:48+01:00

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Back in the Ring after TKR

Hope these pics help to promote the knee replacement procedure, many thanks again to yourself and your team, absolute text book surgery!!

20 Mile Trail Run after Surgery!

Nearly a year to the day of my operation with Mr Kempshall and I managed a 20mile event yesterday in horrendous conditions. Richard, i'll wrote some up for you as the journey continues to the 50miler in July. Knee bit [...]

Post Knee Operation International Call Up

I thought you might be interested to know that things have gone really well since my knee surgery. I've moved age group this year to the Over 55s and thanks to your help have been selected for both the indoor [...]

Conformis Knee Patient Success Story

Hi Mr Kempshall When we met you at the annual follow up of my new Conformis knee, you asked me to send you some pictures. We have been away for several weeks, during which time I [...]

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HTO delays progression to Arthroplasty by a decade. The most suitable candidates are age <55, not obese, and have not progressed to severe symptomatic disability. In these patients HTO survival was 100%, 91% and 62% at 5, 10 and 20 years

ACL tears cause significant functional deficits in patients over 50 who fail conservative treatment, and surgical reconstruction can yield excellent results.

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